Donika Pentcheva has been invited to attend the Federal Circuit Bar Association’s Bench and Bar Gathering in Washington, District of Columbia.
According to the Federal Circuit Bar Association:
The Association represents the interests of those involved with the subject matter which comes before the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and its reviewed tribunals. Organized in 1985, it unites the various groups who practice within the Circuit community, including the private and public sectors and litigators as well as agency and house counsel. Striving for an objective and inclusive dialogue, including supporting under-represented groups via a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in its programming, committee involvement, and membership outreach, the Association seeks to assist in improving and facilitating the administration of justice in the Circuit’s community. With an active membership and committee structure, the Association fosters local, regional, national, and international engagement. In addition to practice, policy, and professional skills outreach, the Association supports the community through a variety of pro bono channels, media offerings, scholarships, and other service. Leadership comes from all areas of the practice community.